Prognosticating 2014

Posted by scottk on January 6, 2014 in Ramblings |

groundhogOver the past few weeks there has been the usual glut of “2013 Year in Review” and “What’s Going to Happen in 2014” posts and I figured I should probably add to the list. So here are my 2014 thoughts:

  • Big Data will not become Data – There is a bunch of predictions out there pushing the Big being dropped from Big Data because Big is the new norm. Big is not the new norm, data that can potentially run on one server will remain the norm. Specific applications and use cases will call for “Big” data solutions, it will be overkill to move your normal data needs to those platforms. So my prediction is Big Data will remain it’s own beast.
  • Hadoop as an application platform – A YARN enabled Hadoop will remove it from being a data processing only platform to a multiple application platform. Hadoop will still be data centric but over the second half of the year there will be far more non-HDFS centric things running in a Hadoop footprint.
  • Cloud Abstraction is the next big thing – AWS, vSphere and Openstack will start to take a backseat to cloud abstraction technologies like Cloud Foundry and Open Shift. Thus far it’s been about getting out of the data center  and into the cloud to be agile and cut costs. Now people are realizing they are locked into a cloud and/or the cost savings they thought would be there aren’t. Abstraction platforms will allow companies to leverage multiple cloud providers pricing against one another and remove massive integration project to move from one cloud API to another. This will become a big boon for Openstack as companies become more flexible in their cloud choice.
  • Go, go, go – Go will gain more traction and will see more widespread adoption.
  • Hadoop Purchases – One or two current Hadoop vendors will be purchased. One will fail horribly in integrating with the new owner and the other will feel pains that will cause it issues for six months after the first six months it was initially acquired.
  • Apple’s not so big next big thing – Apple will launch something it sees as revolutionary like iAds, which will get about as much traction.
  • Object Storage – Object storage platforms and software will get a lot more hype this next year.
  • Non-coast startups – Colorado, Texas, Chicago and the Silicon Prairie will leap forward as startup incubators for low cost of living and abundant resources. The coasts will bounce back from tech bubble and the housing busts, in order to do so though they won’t be friendly to those who are cost concerned.
  • Tablets are just there – Like Atari, VCRs and Nintendo. It will be the norm for a middle class and above family to have a tablet by the end of 2014.
  • Martin will find a woman – That boy has been single too long.

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